Dialect and Literature
in caucasiology – in Georgia

Miranda Tkeshelashvili


•1. the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in structured and conventional way.

•2. A system of communication used by particular country or community.

List of word languages

How many languages do we have ?

Arabic,Chinese,Persian,Indian,English, French, German, Rusian, Spanish, Hindi, Bengali, Portugese, Japanase, Italian, western punjabi, Turkish, Korean, Vietnamese, Javanese, Caucasian languages: Georgian- Kartvelian. Northeast, Northwest.

The Georgian- Kartvelian language

The Georgian- Kartvelian language family includes four languages: Georgian, Megrelian (Mingrelian), Svan and Laz (or Chan) are part of the Kartvelian language family.


•Dialect A. particular form of language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group.

A northern american- hello
A southern american – howday
In Georgia- Pumpkin- east-Georgia- gogra-,west georgia- kvaxi.

Dialects in Georgia

Mokhervian,  Mtiulian, Gudamakhrian, khevsurian, Phshavian, Tushian, Kakhian, Ingiloian, Phereidnian, Kartlian, Ghavakhian, Samtskhian, Gurian, acharian, Imerkehvian- Shavshian, Taoian-parakhlian, Machakhlian, Imeretian, Lechkumian, Rachian,

The literature

Literature is a group of works of art made up of words.

•Literature most generically, is any body of written works.

•Its latain root literatura/ litteratura derived itself from littera: letter or hand writing.

•Literatura classified es: fiction or non fiction, poetry or prose. •

Georgian writers

Many writers in Georgia write use dialect. These are writers :

Ilia chachavadze – Letters of a passenger :The author’s conversation with mokhevian Lelt ghunai.

Vazha phshavela, Alexander khazbegi,

Akaki tsereteli, Konstantine gamsakhurdia,

Otia ioseliani, Revaz inanishvili,

Davit klidashvili, Rezo cheishvili, Goderzi chokheli,

Modern Georgian Writers

•A Modern female writer – Tsira Kurashvili,  who uses  dialect, in her book

“Don’t look back“.  Literary critic Malkhaz kharbedia says about this book:

Her attitude to language is strange, She speaks with dialect, but she goes far beyond a particular dialect  and creates her own mythology, her own Lieterature – fiction.

Akaki tsereteli

Akaki tsereteli Georgian Poet, Writer says – Speaking dialect,

If the words of the dialect are beautiful and with these words we can fill the language, Is very good,

But if the language is distorted,

This is very much bad.

Reason for research

•There is a reason for the study of dialect in literature and these is Ability to observe language development over time and space.

•Evaluate of words and  grammar in  Georgian language and literature and  in Caucasiology

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